Bravecto Spot On For Cats is for the treatment and control of fleas and ticks
- 280 mg/mL FLURALANER
- Treatment and prevention of flea (Ctenocephalides felis) infestations for up to 3 months
- Treatment and control of paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) for 3 months
- Rapid onset of action kills newly emerged adult fleas before they lay eggs
- Reduces incidence of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) by controlling adult fleas
- Effective against fipronil-resistant strains of fleas
- Kills pre-existing and new infestations of paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) for 3 months
- Provides effective treatment and prevention of fleas on cats for up to 3 months following application
- Fleas are killed in up to 12 hours after treatment of after reinfestation during the 3-month treatment period
- The flea life cycle can be broken by the rapid onset of action and the long-lasting efficacy against adult fleas on the cat
- Newly emerged adult fleas on a cat are killed before viable eggs are produced
- Effectively controls environmental flea population in areas to which the cat has access
Pack Contains
- 2 doses
- The safe use of Bravecto Spot-on for cats in breeding males and females has not been established
- In tick season, daily searching for and removal of any ticks found is recommended
- Should not be used on kittens less than 11 weeks of age or cats weighing less than 1.2kg
APVMA Approval No: 82804/106818