
How to Use Feliway to Reduce Stress in Cats

How to Use Feliway to Reduce Stress in Cats

4th Sep 2024

Is your cat acting differently, perhaps showing signs of stress or anxiety? If so, you’re not alone. Many cat owners are unaware that their feline friends can suffer from anxiety, as cats are experts at masking their emotions. However, stress can manifest in various ways, leading to behavioural issues that can affect your cat’s overall health. Understanding how to recognise stress and how to use products like Feliway can make a world of difference in helping your cat feel calm and secure.

Recognising Signs of Stress in Cats

Cats may exhibit several behavioural changes when stressed, making it crucial to identify these signs early. Common symptoms include:

  • Urinary Issues: This can range from cystitis to inappropriate urination or spraying.
  • Aggression: Anxious cats may become more irritable and lash out.
  • Excessive Vocalisation: More frequent or louder meowing can be a sign of stress.
  • Hiding: If your cat is constantly hiding, it could be due to anxiety.
  • Destructive Behaviour: Scratching furniture or other inappropriate surfaces may indicate stress.
  • Over-Grooming: Excessive grooming can lead to hair loss and skin problems.
  • Loss of Appetite: Stress can lead to decreased interest in food.

These behaviours might also be symptoms of other underlying health issues. Therefore, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian if your cat exhibits any of these signs.

Common Causes of Stress in Cats

Understanding what triggers stress in cats is key to preventing it. Unlike dogs, who might adapt well to changes, cats are more sensitive to disruptions in their environment. Some common stress triggers include:

  • Moving House: Relocating to a new home can be overwhelming for cats.
  • New Pets or Family Members: The introduction of new animals or people can disrupt your cat’s sense of security.
  • Visitors: Unfamiliar faces in the home can cause anxiety.
  • Environmental Changes: Renovations, new furniture, or even moving a litter box can stress a cat.
  • Vet Visits: Outings, particularly to the vet, can be particularly distressing for some cats.

Each cat has a unique stress threshold. What might cause significant anxiety in one cat could be a non-issue for another. This individual variability makes it essential to observe your cat’s behaviour closely, especially during potential stress-inducing situations.

How to Reduce Stress in Cats

Once you’ve identified the signs and causes of stress, it’s time to take action. One of the most effective tools to help reduce stress in cats is Feliway, a product that mimics natural feline pheromones to create a calming environment.

  • Feliway: This is a synthetic version of the feline facial pheromone that cats release when they feel content and secure. By mimicking this pheromone, Feliway helps reduce stress-related behaviours such as urine spraying, scratching, and hiding. It’s ideal for single-cat households or in situations where the environment has changed, such as after moving or redecorating.
  • Feliway Friends: This version of Feliway is designed for multi-cat households. It replicates the cat appeasing pheromone (CAP) released by mother cats to help their kittens feel safe. Feliway Friends is particularly effective in reducing conflicts and tension between cats, promoting harmony in multi-cat homes.

Feliway products are easy to use. They are available in diffusers that you can plug into any room where your cat spends time. There are also sprays that can be applied directly to your cat’s bedding, carriers, or other areas where they might feel stressed.

Why Feliway Works

Feliway’s effectiveness lies in its ability to mimic the natural pheromones that cats use to communicate and mark their territory. These pheromones help your cat feel more secure, reducing their anxiety and helping them cope with changes in their environment. By using Feliway consistently, you can help your cat adapt to new situations more comfortably and reduce unwanted stress-related behaviours.

Cats may not always show their stress openly, but that doesn’t mean it’s not affecting them. Recognising the signs of stress and understanding its causes are the first steps to helping your cat feel more at ease. Feliway products offer a natural and effective solution to reduce anxiety and create a more harmonious environment for your feline friend. Whether you’re dealing with a move, a new family member, or just day-to-day stress, Feliway can be a valuable tool in ensuring your cat’s well-being.

Shop our range of Feliway diffusers and sprays here.